Image_ what smell will keep raccoons away from your home

What Scent Will Keep Raccoons Away? Our Top 6 Best!

There are many old wives’ tales regarding keeping unwanted animals away from your home. Some people recommend leaving a bowl of vinegar outside or scattering cayenne pepper around the perimeter. But what smell works?

What scent will keep raccoons away from your home? The best scents you can use to keep raccoons away include hot pepper, peppermint oil, garlic, onion, and Epsom salt. You can also use the pungent smell of ammonia and bleach to repel them. They have a very strong sense of smell, but the strong smells will deter them from smelling food sources while also irritating their nestlings.

However, they are not permanent solutions. You must use them properly and combine them with more effective solutions to protect your home from raccoons. Everything you will need is in this guide. Read on!

What Scent Will Keep Raccoons Away From Your Home?

Raccoons have a very keen sense of smell. Their sense of smell is seven times better than a dog’s. This means that they can detect certain smells much better than we can. A raccoon’s sense of smell is so keen that it can be used against them.

Certain smells will deter raccoons and keep them away from your home. The most effective scents are those that are strong and pungent. Below are some of the smells that can keep raccoons away from your yard or home:

1. Hot pepper

Did you know that hot pepper is an excellent repellent for animals because it irritates their sense of smell? If you use it regularly, they will eventually learn that your property is off-limits. Hot pepper is also affordable and can be found in almost every household. The only negative side to this solution is that hot pepper only affects their sense of smell, and the potency fades quickly.

Image_ using pepper spray to keep raccoons away
Image: using pepper spray to keep raccoons away

If you have a particularly persistent raccoon, they will find their way back to your house in just a few days if you don’t keep applying hot pepper around places where they’re looking for food. So, if you want to use it as a repellent, be sure to reapply it often and put it in every location where they’ll find food or access routes leading them to their food sources. For best results, sprinkle the pepper onto areas where you don’t want the raccoons visiting.

2. Onion and Pepper Combination

If you’re looking for a more effective way to deter raccoons, try combining hot pepper with onion. Boil equal parts of each in water and apply the mixture liberally around your property. The combination of scents will create an unpleasant smell for raccoons, helping to keep them away from your property.

Although the onion and pepper mix has a powerful smell, it lasts only a few days. The scent gradually disappears over time, meaning you must use this combination at least twice weekly if you want to keep raccoons out permanently.

Not only do you need to spray the product in areas they often frequent, but you should also use it as a teaching tool. If they get inside your property and are met with an unpleasant smell, they’ll associate that location with discomfort and eventually stay away altogether. Although this method may not be permanent, it’s certainly more effective than other methods which rely on scent alone.

3. Peppermint oil

Another way to keep raccoons away is by using peppermint oil. This natural repellent is safe for both humans and animals, making it an ideal solution if you have pets or small children. Just like hot pepper, the scent of peppermint oil is offensive to raccoons and will deter them from your property.

Mix ten drops of oil with one cup of water to use peppermint oil as a repellent. Then, apply the mixture around your property using a spray bottle. You must reapply it every few days to keep the scent fresh and potent.

4. Epsom salt

Epsom salt is another effective repellent for raccoons. The salt crystals are sharp and scratchy, making them unpleasant for raccoons to walk on. To keep raccoons away, sprinkle Epsom salt around the areas of your property where they’re known to frequent.

You can also put it in garbage cans, or anywhere they might look for food. The only downside to using Epsom salt is that it’s not long-lasting. You must reapply it after it rains or every few days to keep the raccoons away.

5. Ammonia

Ammonia is a strong-smelling chemical that can be used to keep annoying raccoons away. The scent is offensive to them and will deter them from your property. Mix one cup of ammonia with one gallon of water to use ammonia as a repellent. Then, apply the mixture around your property using a spray bottle. You’ll need to reapply it every few days to keep the scent fresh and potent.

6. Bleach

Will Bleach Keep Raccoons Away? Yes, bleach can be used as a raccoon repellent. The pungent smell of bleach is offensive to raccoons and will deter them from your property. The harsh chemical odor irritates raccoons’ senses, and they will avoid any spots that have been sprayed with bleach. Bleach can be an effective raccoon repellent when diluted with water. When applied properly and as part of a comprehensive plan, bleach can be a useful tool to eliminate raccoons. However, it should not be relied upon as the sole method to repel them from your property. Learn more here.

What other ways you can prevent raccoons from coming into your home?

Apart from using the above smells to keep the annoying raccoons away, there are also some general ways you can prevent them from coming into your yard or home in the first place. The most common methods for deterring them from your property include the following:

1. Using Ultrasonic waves

If you’re looking for a high-tech solution to keeping raccoons away, try using ultrasonic sound to repel them. These waves are inaudible to humans but can effectively deter them. Many different ultrasonic devices on the market are designed to keep animals away.

Place one of these devices in an area where raccoons are known to frequent, and it will emit sound waves that will deter them. You can get ultrasonic waves from your local hardware store or online. Ensure you get a device designed to deter raccoons for the best results.

2. Keeping your garbage cans sealed

Image: keep the bins closed
Image: keep the bins closed

One of the main reasons raccoons come onto your property is to look for food. If you have unsealed garbage cans or pet food left out, they will likely be attracted to your property. To deter them, ensure that all your garbage cans are sealed tightly and that any pet food is put away after your pet has finished eating. Spray some bleach or other mentioned smells on these bins to help keep them from smelling the content.

3. Removing sources of water

Raccoons are attracted to sources of water, so removing any standing water from your property will help deter them. Some examples of sources of water that they are attracted to include:

  • Bird baths
  • Pet bowls
  • Rain barrels
  • Kiddie pools

If you have water sources on your property, be sure to empty them regularly. You may also want to consider keeping them in a location that raccoons can’t access, such as on a raised platform or inside a shed or garage.

4. Trimming back trees and shrubs

Raccoons like to live in dens high off the ground, so trimming trees and shrubs near your home will make it less attractive to them. You should also trim back branches close to your roofline, as they are excellent climbers and can quickly access your home through an opening in the roof.

5. Securing your home

Openings in your home can provide easy access for raccoons looking to move in and set up shop. Inspect the exterior of your home and seal any cracks or holes you find. These animals are good climbers, so check for gaps in eaves, chimneys, and rooflines. Remember that they can squeeze through spaces as small as 3 inches in diameter, so even a small opening can be inviting.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will vinegar keep raccoons away?

You might be surprised to hear that vinegar can act as a natural raccoon repellent. The acetic acid in vinegar deters raccoons, as they don’t like the smell. You can make a simple repellent by mixing vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio. Just spray it around the perimeter of your home, and they should stay away.

Will a porch light keep raccoons away?

No, a porch light will not keep the raccoons away. These creatures are nocturnal animals and are attracted to light rather than deterred by it. If you have a raccoon problem, the best thing to do is remove any potential food sources from your property and ensure your trash cans are securely covered. You can also use a natural raccoon repellent, such as ammonia or ultrasonic sound devices.

Does human urine keep raccoons away?

Yes, human urine can keep the raccoons away from your house. They have a strong sense of smell, and the urine scent repels them. If you have them in your garbage cans, sprinkle some urine around the perimeter of the cans to keep them away. You can also use urine to repel them from your yard. Just sprinkle it around the perimeter of your property, and they will stay away. You can also use ammonia if you don’t want to use your own urine. Ammonia has a similar scent to urine, which will also keep the raccoons away. Just put a little bit of ammonia on a rag and wipe it around the perimeter of your property. They will smell the ammonia and stay away.

Is it illegal to keep raccoons as pets?

Yes, it is illegal in many states to keep raccoons as pets. The reason for this is that they can be aggressive, and they can also carry diseases. If you’re looking for a pet similar to a raccoon, you might consider getting a degu or a capybara instead.


Raccoons can be a nuisance if they take up residence on your property. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to deter them. To avoid them, use smells raccoons hate, like ammonia or bleach. You can also use ultrasonic sound devices to repel them. If all else fails, you can always call a professional to remove them from your property. Professionals will also help you to find and seal any openings that the raccoons may have used to gain access to your home.

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